

  • Release of new HTML5 Virtual Lab


    We are pleased to announce the release of our new HTML5 Virtual Lab. Available on our website for most activities, this new version is no longer Java based, and provides new features including an integrated spectrophotometer and the ability to output data to excel. We are working to update all of our existing Java activities to HTML5 versions.


  • Presented at BCCE 2016


    In August, we attended the 2016 BCCE Conference at the University of Northern Colorado, in Greeley, CO. There, we hosted a booth in the exhibit hall to present our latest work in online materials development for high school and college chemistry.

  • Exhibited at NSTA National Meeting, 2016


    In April, we attended the 2016 National Meeting of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) in Nashville, TN. There, we hosted a booth in the exhibit hall to present our latest work in online materials development for high school chemistry.


  • Presented at ChemEd 2015


    In August, we attended the ChemEd 2015 Conference at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, Georgia. There, we hosted a booth in the exhibit hall and presented our latest work in online materials development for high school chemistry, “The ChemVlab Project: Free online contextualized activities in Stoichiometry, Thermochemistry, Equilibrium and Acid/Base Chemistry.”


  • BCCE 2014


    In August 2014, we attended the 2014 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE 2014) at Grand Valley State University, August 3-7, 2014. There, we hosted a booth in the exhibit hall as well as presented our latest work in online materials development, "Using ChemCollective materials in your flipped classroom". We also presented some exciting new work in log file analysis "Can log files from student problem solving in open-ended environments reveal student's strategies and goals, thereby providing a scalable alternative to think-aloud studies?"

  • ICCE 2014


    In July 2014, we attended the 23rd International Conference on Chemistry Education (ICCE 2014) at the University of Toronto, in Toronto, Canada. While there, we lead a hands-on workshop, "Using the ChemCollective Virtual Laboratory in your classroom". We also presented a talk: "Eight contextualized chemistry activities that combine virtual labs with formative assessments".


  • ChemEd 2013


    In July, 2013, we exhibited at the ChemEd 2013 Conference at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, ON, Canada. There, we presented our latest collaborative work, The ChemVlab Project: Contextualized activities in Stoichiometry, Thermochemistry, Equilibrium and Acid/Base Chemistry.



  • ChemEd 2011


    In July 2011, we exhibited at this year’s ChemEd2011 conference at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan. We also presented a workshop on classroom uses for the ChemCollective materials.




  • 2008 BCCE at Indiana University.


    This summer’s conference tour took us to Bloomington, Indiana where we presented talks on equilibrium, "Conceptual development in chemical equilibrium", and our collaborative interdisciplinary work, "Cross-disciplinary molecular science education in introductory science courses", at the 2008 BCCE. We also had a booth in the exhibit hall.

  • Gordon Research Conference on Physics Education Research and Practice.


    In June, we traveled to Bryant University in Smithfield, RI, for the Gordon Research Conference on Physics Education Research and Practice, where we presented a talk, "Digital Libraries to Support Problem Solving and Conceptual Learning in Introductory Chemistry".

  • Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2008


    This year's JCDL meeting was in Pittsburgh, Pa. (Finally a local conference!) It was fun to share our favorite 'spots' with visiting collaborators and fellow digital librarians. We also presented our collaborative interdisciplinary work, "Cross-Disciplinary Molecular Science Education in Introductory Science Courses: An NSDL MatDL Collection" This project is accessible at:


  • NSDL annual meeting


    In November, we drove to DC to attend the 6th NSDL Annual Meeting in Arlington, Virginia. While at the meeting, we presented our collaborative work with groups at MIT and Kent state, "Interdisciplinary Virtual Labs for Undergraduate Education in the NSDL MatDL." This project is accessible at:

  • National Meeting of the ACS and ChemEd 2007


    August was a busy month for us, we presented a talk entitled, "Making the implicit explicit in the teaching of chemical equilibrium" at the fall ACS National Meeting in Boston. We also exhibited at the ChemED 2007 Conference in Denton, TX.

  • Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice.


    In June, we traveled to Bates College in Lewiston, ME, for the Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice, where we presented a talk, "Making the Implicit Explicit in the Teaching of Chemical Equilibrium" and our collaborator from the PSLC presented a poster, "Chemical Equilibrium and the concept of Progress of Reaction".

  • National Meeting of the ACS and NSTA


    In March, we flew to Chicago to present a talk entitled, "On-line support for problem solving in introductory chemistry" at this spring's ACS National Meeting. We also exhibited at the NSDL booth in the exhibit hall of this year's NSTA National Conference in St. Louis, MO.

  • ChemCollective awarded "Highly Recommended" by Schoolzone.


    Schoolzone, the UK's leading evaluation service for online educational resources, reviewed our site for educational relevance and usefulness and awarded it a "Highly Recommended" rating. Schoolzone's teacher panel provides evaluations for the UK Government's ICT in Education partners, and has evaluated thousands of free resources on the web.


  • ACS, NSDL annual meeting


    In November, we presented an interactive workshop, "Virtual labs and scenario based learning for introductory chemistry" for 30 high school and college chemistry teachers of the Penn-Ohio Border section of the ACS at Thiel College in Greenville, PA, Nov 7. We also attended the 5th Annual Meeting of the National Science Digital Library in Washington, DC.

  • Mixed Reception featured


    Mixed Reception our murder mystery activity was featured in an article on, citing the potential for academic games as learning tools.

  • 19th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education


    Our summer travels took us to Perdue University for the 19th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education where we presented a talk entitled, "Virtual labs and scenario-based learning for introductory chemistry" and distributed materials at our booth in the exhibition hall.

  • 2006 Annual NSTA conference


    Our second trip to LA and the Anaheim convention center, this conference offered us the chance to exhibit alongside former group member, Jeff Milton of the Protein Data Bank. We hope to take advantage of his new position in education and outreach at the PDB to build scenarios and learning modules for biology and biochemistry.


  • Pacifichem 2005 conference


    In December we presented a talk entitled, "Virtual labs and scenario-based learning for introductory chemistry" as part of the E-learning in University Chemistry Education session.

  • NSDL Annual Meeting, Duke University


    In November we attended the NSDL Annual Meeting in Boulder Colorado, where we presented a poster on our latest community development efforts. We also presented a research talk, "The ChemCollective Virtual Lab and Other Online Materials" at Duke University in North Carolina.

  • 2YC3 Conference


    On October 15th, we took a scenic drive to Bucks County Community College for our third 2YC3 conference. We distributed CDs at the exhibition hall and gave a presentation summarizing our past work as well as some of our new ideas.

  • ChemEd 2005


    Our third ChemEd conference, ChemEd 2005 was a great success. We distributed over 500 CDs at the exhibition hall and gave two hands-on workshops. Our latest development effort, an online stoichiometry bridge/review course was met with great enthusiasm by high school teachers interested in using it as an AP prep course.

  • Workshop at 170th 2YC3


    On March 11th and 12th we presented a workshop on using the Virtual Lab to a number of chemistry teachers from around the Southern California area at the 170th 2YC3 at Palomar College, California.

  • ACS National Meeting


    On the 1 year anniversary of the launch of the website, we presented a talk at the ACS National Meeting entitled, "Using digital libraries to build educational communities: The ChemCollective".

  • included in the ENC Digital Dozen


    Eisenhower National Clearinghouse, a showcase for online educational materials, chose the to be included in its weekly Digital Dozen, a list of exemplary web sites for educators.


  • NCSTA 2004


    On November 9, 2004, we drove 6 hours to Greensboro, NC to exhibit at the 36th Annual Professional Development Institute. While at the conference, we demonstrated the Virtual Lab and Mixed Reception to chemistry teachers from around the region.

  • Annual NSDL meeting


    The annual meeting of National Science Digital Library ( NSDL): Designing Strategies for Success was held in Chicago, IL this year. While at the conference, we met up with some great new groups and projects. We also presented a poster, "Using Digital Libraries to Build Educational Communities: The Chemistry Collective" which showcases our current work. On the last day of the conference, our group director, Dave Yaron, became vice chair of the community services subcommittee for the NSDL.

  • Science Magazine


    In November, our project was written up in the "NewsWatch" section of Science Magazine

  • Project Head Wins Award for Teaching Excellence


    David Yaron, project head of the ChemCollective, won the Carnegie Science Center's 2004 Award for Excellence as University/Post-Secondary Teacher in February.

  • Working with Science Teachers


    The University of Pittsburgh used and evaluated the Virtual Lab, and will likely use it with their students this fall and in upcoming class years.

  • WCCTA/2YC3 Conference


    In the scenic Ladyfoot Ski Resort, we presented a talk, "Using Virtual Lab Activities for Introductory Chemistry", to a very enthusiastic and dedicated group of chemistry educators from around the Washington state area.

  • Mixed Reception featured in ChemMatters Magazine


    Our murder mystery scenario, Mixed Reception, was featured in the September edition of the ACS publication ChemMatters magazine. News of our scenario based activity quickly spread, and we received over a hundred requests for CDs in October.

  • Biennial Conference on Chemical Education


    the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE). We distributed over 1000 CDs with our software at the exhibition hall, gave two talks (Virtual Labs and scenario based learning for chemistry)and Using Digital Libraries to Build Educational Communities: The ChemCollective ), and led a workshop (Using and Authoring Virtual Lab Activities for Introductory Chemistry.

  • Joint Conference on Digital Libraries


    In June, we presented a poster at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) about our work thus far, titled "Using Digital Libraries to Build Educational Communities: The ChemCollective."

  • Launch at ACS and NSTA National Meetings


    The official launch of this site coincides with the ACS meeting in Anaheim March 28 – April 2 and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, from March 31 through April 3, 2004. Please stop by the ChemCollective booth in the exhibit halls at these conferences. We'll be happy to walk you through examples of online activities, and talk with you about how the ChemCollective can best meet the needs of chemistry teachers.

  • Mission Critical Chemistry promotes international collaboration


    For the third year in a row, introductory chemistry students at Carnegie Mellon University and ITESM in Monterrey, Mexico worked together on Mission Critical Chemistry, a collaborative project to design a next-generation fuel system for a mission to Mars. This year, over a hundred students participated in the joint project between Bernard Micheli at ITESM and David Yaron at CMU.